Tag Archives: recovery

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    A third of all data loss is caused by problems with backups

    Losing access to your business’s data – even temporarily – is a nightmare worthy of a horror movie. Data backup tools create copies of your data and store them in a safe place. If something goes wrong, recovery tools will use these copies to restore your lost files. So, if your business already uses backup …

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    Take back control! Respond and Recover from a ransomware attack – Part 3

    Following on from our first two posts on Cyber Resilience (Take back control! Cyber resilience and ransomware – Part 1 and Take back control! Prevent and Detect Ransomware – Part 2) today we look at two other pillars in a Cyber Resilience strategy – Respond and Recover. In part 2, we looked at how a …

  • cyber attack with unrecognizable hooded hacker using virtual reality digital glitch effect

    Take back control! Prevent and Detect Ransomware – Part 2

    Take back control! Prevent and Detect – Pt 2 Following on from our first post on Cyber Resilience (Take back control! Cyber resilience and ransomware – Part 1) today we look at two of the pillars in a Cyber Resilience strategy – Prevent and Detect. Ransomware is likely to be the most prevalent risk to …

  • money male hands background laptop keyboard neon lighting

    Take back control! Cyber resilience and ransomware – Part 1

    Cyber resilience is a wide-ranging subject, and a properly implemented strategy will cover a large range of subject areas, right across the business, from human factors, through detection, response, restoration etc. Cyber resilience is your business’ ability to take back control. To recover with confidence – never paying the ransom and returning to normal business …
